Wednesday, 26 February 2014


On the Internet I found a pasta recipe it's a bacon one. The ingredients are bacon pieces, pasta, cheese and tomato pasta sauce. The method is boil pasta for 15 minutes, then drain water and put in bowl. Cook bacon pieces in sauce pan. Then add sauce and cheese. Then heat for a few minutes finally add pasta then heat for 4 minutes. Then serve. I chose this recipe because I love pasta.    

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Class Dojo

My teacher  showed me and my class this new thing called Class Dojo. It's really cool and we each have our own characters. Mine looks like a penguin, It's red.  In class dojo you can get positive points and negative points. The ways in which you can get positive points are by doing your homework, tidying your are in class, being kind and respectful, bringing a healthy lunch,  staying on task and giving the class blog "love" which means leaving a comment.

Teachers will like this because it 's helps keep the class organised so if you're a kid reading my blog, tell your teacher about class dojo!

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

St. Valentine's Day

This St Valentine's Day  me and my class are colouring in hearts and valentine pictures. We are also making valentine cards for our valentine,parents or friends.At school we can pay  R5  to where  valentine civvies and in class we decorating our class with balloons and hearts.  

Pictures taken by Miss Tyler-Smith my teacher.