Thursday, 20 November 2014
GOODBYE 2014!!!!!
GOODBYE PEOPLE OF 2014! Oh my word! I can't believe it's exams and a while after exams it's no more school!!!!! Man, next year everything is of my friends is leaving the school, the other is going to Gr.7 witch means I hardly get to see either of them. Luckily one of my friends will still be in the same class as me. I'm going to get a new teacher, a new school uniform, and my brother will be in the same school as me{S.O.S}!!!!!
Thursday, 13 November 2014
The Reflections of 2014!
This year of 2014 went really quickly, and I must say I enjoyed it. Except for the part where there is fighting, exams, and bullying. But I learnt allot of new things in blogging like: how to build a blog, I found out about gifs, I learnt how to make blog posts, how to leave comments on other blogs, e.c.t.
I also became more self-depended this year. I also had less homework this year than last year, so that's another good thing. I also got a new baby cousin earlier this year, in January.
Well I guess that's all the important things that happened this year, in my life.
Goodbye for now see you next week! <3 Ice-cream Girl!
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Lately I have been doing allot of gif stuff for example: I go on the internet and look at gifs, and I also made one with me and my cousin Kyla, and one with my cousin Kohen alone. Here is animation ones I found:
Thursday, 16 October 2014
My favorite food!
If I had to choose a favorite food it would definitely be....PIZZA! the reason i choose pizza is because it tastes great and who doesn't like cheese and meat on a piece of pastry?
And on top of all that pizza is just completely cool and awesome!!!
Back to school!
It's back to school for kids. The last time I blogged it was school holidays, and right now it's school again. Some people like the fact some people don't i'm kind of in the middle. Anyway this is my welcome back to kids!
Thursday, 2 October 2014
School holiday!!!
I cant believe that it's finally school holidays and the end of term three. I just can't wait for all the days with out school (not that I don't like school). I also hope that all my kid blog viewers have a wonderful holiday and that you also don't give your parents a hard time! <3 Kiona
Thursday, 18 September 2014
Adorable, cute things
My teacher said that because the girl's got to the computer lab first we get to choose the topic and we chose cute things mostly to freak out the boys but also because we love cute things!!! So now I will show you a bunch of cute Giff (moving Internet pictures). Enjoy!!!
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Rainbow loom
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Frozen !!!
I have a new favorite Disney princess and her name is Elsa yes the princess from frozen. The reason i like her is obviously because she has ice powers. Any way i like her so i hope you do to!!!
My explorer tips?
If you ever asked me how to be an explorer......

- Never doubt yourself even for a minute.
- Always keep your cool.
- Don't let people tell you, you cant do it.
- Always have tools such as... maps, water, food, climbing instruments e.c.t
- Always take notice of you'r surroundings.
- Pack things for the right place e.g amazon would be... as sunscreen, shorts, glasses, short sleeve tops e.c.t.
- Don't go to places that you don't have maps for.
- Always have a transportation plan.
- Tell people where you going so they don't think your lost.
- But most important of all don't give up!!!
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
When i'm a grown up
When i am a grown up i will drive my self to witch ever shop or place i want to go to, i will also have my own candy shop with all the sweets and luxury's in the world, ill also be a famous actress with my own clothing line and i will do what ever i want.
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
Under the sea
This term my class an I are doing a under the sea theme. So the kind of things we are doing is we are talking about ways to save water, use less water and we also talk about the sea creatures my class and i are excited because we get to do a cool poster plus we can do a video a poem or anything that we can include the ocean in.
My holidays
On my holidays I went to Grand West, Canal Walk, Kasey, Cavendish and I also stayed at home allot doing things like sleeping and playing games but my favorite part was not going to school and spending all my time freely. It was three weeks of no school work, and allot of fun.
Wednesday, 4 June 2014
Happy Birthday Zaccai
Happy birthday Zaccai
It is my brothers birthday on Friday 6th of June. So I hope he has a great day because he is the best brother any sister could ever have, he is very smart for his age he listens well and he likes helping people. When I am board he starts to talk to me or plays games with me to cheer me up, that is why I love him. He is only 5 turning 6 and he might look small but his a big part of my life.
It is my brothers birthday on Friday 6th of June. So I hope he has a great day because he is the best brother any sister could ever have, he is very smart for his age he listens well and he likes helping people. When I am board he starts to talk to me or plays games with me to cheer me up, that is why I love him. He is only 5 turning 6 and he might look small but his a big part of my life.
My time poem
In my class we had to make our own poem for English. I named my poem TIME GOES BY and here is how it goes.......
Time Goes By:
Time goes by faster tan you think
time goes by in just a few winks
Time is wasted time is rated
there are times were tired
there are times were sad
there are times were angry
there are times were glad
As time goes by we watch the clock go tick tock
Time flies but time never lies
time is always in disguise
Time Goes By:
Time goes by faster tan you think
time goes by in just a few winks
Time is wasted time is rated
there are times were tired
there are times were sad
there are times were angry
there are times were glad
As time goes by we watch the clock go tick tock
Time flies but time never lies
time is always in disguise
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
Vincent van Gogh
Today our task is to review any thing you want. I chose Vincent van Gogh because he seems really interesting and we doing his picture starry knight.
He was not a successful artist while he was alive.
His brush strokes are always rough.
He had his own style of painting.
He always painted what he felt or what he saw.
He had a lonely life
school custard
Today at school in my class we made and ate custard because most of the children were not in class.
We got rewarded with custard because we finished most of our grammar. My teacher was really kind to give us this reward. I was shocked this morning when she told me. My teacher brought the custard and we got some stirofome cups, milk, sugar, spoon and and a bowl and after we mixed everything together we warmed it in a microwave.
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
Happy Easter
To all my blog viewers have a happy Easter. Ester is the best so I hope you all enjoy your self this Easter holiday. love Kiona.
Easter baskets

Today in my class we made Easter baskets and tomorrow when we come to school the Easter bunny (my teacher) would have given us Easter eggs. I can not wait. The aster bunny is really kind to come early and give us Easter eggs twice. I love Easter it is the best after Christmas.
The reason i am looking forward to Easter
2. The Easter marshmallows
3.The Easter egg hunt
4.The part when my cousins come and we play and swim.
5. The part when I spend time with my family
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
Easter is coming soon everyone is exited. Easter is a child favourite time of year besides Christmas and the most religious. it has the most amazing things in it like jesses rising of the dead and bunnies Easter eggs and chocolate. today our class done an activity where we made carrots it was really fun.
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
my piano
about a month ago I star ted playing the piano. I think it was the best instrument I could choose. a week after I got my own one. its not that hard and it can play low and high. you also get different kinds of pianos like vertical pianos, grand piano you also get different kinds of grand pianos like baby grand ,petite grand ,medium grand e.c.t.
time travel
5 life fulfilments and ways of getting rich through time travel for me is ....
1. I will use the time machine to go to ancient Egypt and steal all the gold and treasure out of the pyramids.
2. I will go back to the medieval times and steal one of their coins so I can sell it to a museum.
3. I will go back in time and see who my first ancestors were.
4. I will go back in time to the time when Nelson Mandela was president and I will shake his hand.
5. I will go back in time and invent the watch.
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Me making my recipe
Last night I made dinner, witch is the recipe that I put on the blog. it tasted pretty good and I am not just guessing because my father went for seconds and my mother said well-done and just by looking at my brothers face I could see he likes it. it was easier than I thought it would be.
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
On the Internet I found a pasta recipe it's a bacon one. The ingredients are bacon pieces, pasta, cheese and tomato pasta sauce. The method is boil pasta for 15 minutes, then drain water and put in bowl. Cook bacon pieces in sauce pan. Then add sauce and cheese. Then heat for a few minutes finally add pasta then heat for 4 minutes. Then serve. I chose this recipe because I love pasta.
Wednesday, 19 February 2014
Class Dojo
My teacher showed me and my class this new thing called Class Dojo. It's really cool and we each have our own characters. Mine looks like a penguin, It's red. In class dojo you can get positive points and negative points. The ways in which you can get positive points are by doing your homework, tidying your are in class, being kind and respectful, bringing a healthy lunch, staying on task and giving the class blog "love" which means leaving a comment.
Teachers will like this because it 's helps keep the class organised so if you're a kid reading my blog, tell your teacher about class dojo!
Teachers will like this because it 's helps keep the class organised so if you're a kid reading my blog, tell your teacher about class dojo!
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
St. Valentine's Day
This St Valentine's Day me and my class are colouring in hearts and valentine pictures. We are also making valentine cards for our valentine,parents or friends.At school we can pay R5 to where valentine civvies and in class we decorating our class with balloons and hearts.
Pictures taken by Miss Tyler-Smith my teacher.
Wednesday, 29 January 2014
About me
I live in Cape Town, i am eleven years old and i love cute things and cuddly things.My favorite color is purple. My favorite kind of movie is comedy i like watching things like Trevor Noah.
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