My favourite food is pizza. I love it it's just great! My favourite place to go to when I eat pizza is Bin Rashied's Pizza & Grills. They have amazing pizza over there. They also make other things like Subs, chips, little things like mushrooms e.c.t. Well that's beside the point of pizza! My favourite kind is the Chicken with extra cheese and thick base. The worst pizza I have ever tasted was in a airport in Venice... "Me and my family were sitting in the airport it was about 2 hours before we had to board, and we were extremely hungry so we decided to by pizza because, well, it was Venice! So when we finally got the pizza we all took a slice but none of us could swallow it down. It was terrible! None of us expected it to taste as bad as it did but sadly id did." Luckily I got over it! Now a days I eat pizza mostly on weekends. PIZZA IS SO SUPER COOL! My friends like pizza almost as much as me they're about 2 slices away from me. But almost every one that I know loves pizza. It's just a really nice thing to eat.

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